Why the current healthcare system isn’t working and is failing us

As the name suggests the system available to us should be healing our health and revitalising our bodies. Is it though? I believe strongly it isn’t. It has turned into a system of medicating not healing. Two very different modalities of healthcare.

The world around us has become so full and busy simply because time is of the essence. Time is the single most important gift we can all give ourselves yet somehow we disregard it totally except for using it in its linear manner. We use time as a device that we wear on our wrists or place on our screens to help navigate the day. If we manage to turn up on time for an appointment we have done well with time.

Healing doesn’t understand linear timing. In this world of instant gratification one cannot rush the blooming of a bud because it has a train to catch or kids to pick up! There is a divine course to nature that needs the utmost respect. One would not dream of telling the seasons to hurry up and bring the snow in June. So why do we meddle with all else? Allowing nature to do what is does best without human interference will always bring the best outcome.

This time of year especially when we come out of the winter darkness I feel there is a bigger appreciation and welcoming for the renewed energy. I love this time of year as the transition from dark to light is undeniable. Coming out of darkness and hibernation brings with it wisdom and reflection. Somehow the appreciation gets lost by the time summer comes along and staying cool is all that is spoken of. It is in Spring that one can feel the height of healing at its best….

So if we need to respect time in our healing process how can we fit that into our busy chaotic lives when missed days at work are impossible if the mortgage and household bills are beckoning every month? Or if we have to run children around from school to extra curriculum classes to playdates? How do mothers take time off to relax and release any ailments of the day when their kids need feeding and clean clothes everyday? When do we even get time to breath anymore? I don’t mean the shallow kind that keeps us alive but the deep nurturing breaths that bring life into us.

I believe the answer lies within how we use up our time. Look closely at what governs your day. Taking time out every morning to be still and to listen to what your body needs is an essential tool. Time to assess what you can and can’t manage for that day. Time to re balance where you are putting you energies. Are they serving you as well as they should?

The healthcare system reflects these rushed chaotic aspects of our modern day world also. Hugely under pressure from the never ending demands of the ever growing population, the healthcare system is also crying out for help!

There is no more respect for nature’s own healing. The body is a finely tuned piece of kit. When left to its own devices it knows what to do. Doctors and healthcare specialist have gotten in the way of this natural healing process. Our body can deal with natural ingredients all day long. You never hear of the liver failing because it was fed too much celery!!

Yes a tablet can bring immediate relief and has a rightful place in the world. That’s not my issue. My issue is the dependency that comes with immediate relief. How long can we keep taking tablets for? How many immediate reliefs cures us? The answer is it will never be enough! In fact dosages will only need to be adjusted in order to keep going long term. These methods tie in well with the instant gratification mentality of today. The old traditional ways are being replaced by lab manufactured alternatives. More often than not we are putting our health in the hands of a failing healthcare system as we don’t know any other alternative. And quite frankly it’s a scary place to sit. Defying doctors advice is not a comfortable thing to do and I’m not advocating that. I am however saying that maybe we need to think twice before hooking ourselves onto lifelong prescriptions and seek alternative methods. There are plenty of alternatives out there. It’s just that they aren’t backed or endorsed by conglomerates. The word isn’t spread around because unless someone is making a heap load of money then companies aren’t interested. The pharmaceuticals (which just happens to be the biggest conglomerate in the world) need ill people in order to keep its doors open. What good is healthy people to them unless they are able to sell them a drug??

In order to stop and u-turn from this mindset I ask you: are you living your best life?? If not, then why not? Within there lies the quest of your work. If you bounce out of bed everyday and skip to work or through life, I couldn’t be happier for you. If it’s anything short of that then we need to sit and analyse what is going wrong for us.

Everyone has the human right to bounce and skip their way through life but the operations of this world are no longer conducive to that. By analysing your own lifestyle instead of stocking your medication cupboard is the first step in this journey. Ask yourself simple questions like how much do you move during the day? How much nutritional value will you get from your food? When was the last time you took time out for yourself?

At MindVibes, Holistic coaching is at the core of what we do. If you’d like explore working with an accountability partner to support you in achieving your life and health goals (naturally) please drop me a line for a free one-hour Holistic Life Coaching session: nicola@mindvibesglobal.com


Mental health and the great reset


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